AGI OPEN, PORTO 2010 :: Process is the Project

" This year, the theme of the conference is Process is the project. Leading international designers will share their approach to the creative process through a series of presentations that map out their own personal channels of inspiration and methods of research and execution."

Line up: 10:00 — Lizá Ramalho and Artur Rebelo (R2) 10:05 — Paula Scher 10:25 — Javier Mariscal 10:45 — Abbott Miller 11:05 — Coffee Break 11:35 — Henrik Kubel 11:55 — Marian Bantjes 12:15 — Ahn Sang-Soo 12:35 — Lunch 14:30 — Peter Knapp 14:50 — Sara Fanelli 15:15 — Pierre Bernard 15:35 — Cyan 15:55 — Coffee Break 16:25 — Stefan Sagmeister 16:45 — Bruno Monguzzi 17:05 — Michael Bierut


Dediquei o primeiro minuto de cada apresentação para desenhar cada um dos Designers.
Não tive cuidado com a representação pictórica mas apenas o registo in Loco de muitas das pessoas que me influenciaram e influenciam no meu Trabalho...
©acoelho | Paula Scher - Pentagram
©acoelho -Tono Mariscal Studios
©acoelho Javier Mariscal - Pierre Bernard
©acoelho Henrik Kubel | Marian Bantjes
©acoelho | Almoço...
©acoelho | Ahn Sang Soo | Peter Knapp
©acoelho | Sara Fanelli | Abbot Miller
©acoelho CYAN - Stefan Sagmeister
©acoelho | Bruno Monguzzi | Michael Bierut
